Moms and dads, kids, young and old, seniors, couples and just those wanting to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, love to ride a carousel. Why not have fun and know you are helping to uplift another’s life when you ride The Charity Carrousel!
The VISION – Building The Charity Carrousel
The Charity Carrousel is to be the largest carousel in the country.
There would be over 100 figures on the ride, customized to highlight various organizations and groups in the community and locally and nationally.
It is to be built as a form of art in its construction and is to operate to raise ongoing funding and resources to support programs designed to change children’s lives, helping them rise above their circumstances.
When people buy a ticket to ride The Charity Carrousel, they would know they are helping to fund programs that change the lives of children and families for the “good”.
Small as it may seem, a portion of each ticket to ride The Charity Carrousel, would go to helping children and families in the community. When you have 500,000 riders a year, those single tickets can add up. It is the concept of many giving a little, all the time, to make a lot.
“Sparkle in the Sunlight and Glow at Night!”
The Charity Carrousel will be located in a heavy tourism environment, operate all year, becoming a unique emblem of giving to children and families in our communities.
The Charity Carrousel is to be housed in a building of glass to highlight its radiant beauty and allowing year-round operations.
It is to “sparkle in the sunlight and glow at night!” People will be drawn to its grandeur, beauty, color and music and there are some most unique elements that will be surprising when people come for the ride.
The construction plan includes using alternative energy sources in its operation.
The grounds around the ride are to be used as an educational playground designed to educate kids on saving the earth, growing food in distinctive ways, and reusing recycled materials.
We will use STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) concepts creatively in educational interactive kiosks to teach in innovative, fun ways.
This is the epitome of a WIN-WIN-WIN-WIN scenario. The riders get enjoyment and education, the community is enhanced by the use of the resources generated to help those in need and the venue where this ride is located is blessed by its presence, mission and it as an added attraction. Look for more to come in 2019.